Enterprise & Multi-location Companies

For multi-location and enterprise companies, effective last-mile in-store and POS marketing strategies can be the difference between a successful local marketing campaign and one that struggles to keep up.

One of the key advantages of ClearLine is its ability to work with multiple locations and enterprise businesses where all locations are utilizing only approved marketing actions and all collected data is presented in the centralized dashboard.

ClearLine’s POS marketing ecosystem is specifically designed to allow flexibility of control – whether you’re willing to standardize all marketing activities across all units, or take a boutique approach and make these activities location, market, or region specific.

ClearLine’s hardware options are also an essential component of its multi-location and enterprise POS marketing solutions. The platform’s hardware options include tablets, customer-facing displays, portable terminals (which also function as barcode scanners), and all the needed accessories.

ClearLine for multi-location POS & in-store marketing
  • Centralized Templates library
  • Unified Dashboard for all locations
  • Real-time Digital assets management
  • Digital kiosk
  • Customer-facing screen
  • Advertising display
  • Data Capture to CRM
Why ClearLine Marketing Platform?

ClearLine offers a range of features that are specifically designed to help multi-location with in-store and POS marketing and engagement.

For example, the templates library feature enables businesses to create custom marketing materials quickly and easily. The smart page feature allows businesses to create custom landing pages that cover all of the ongoing marketing activities at once – or a specific cluster. ClearLine’s digital coupon feature is another great option for businesses looking to incentivize purchases and encourage customer loyalty.

What’s more,  ClearLine’s POS marketing solutions are built to integrate with other marketing tools and even platforms.

So if you’ve already got some of the work covered and you’re satisfied with it – no need to bother switching to a new one. ClearLine’s designed to augment existing marketing technology used by the businesses today.

Use Cases

Whether you’re looking to create custom digital marketing materials, incentivize repeat business, get online reviews, or connect with customers on social media, ClearLine has the tools and features you need to succeed.

POS marketing for multiple locations

What’s your goal – do you want a unified approach, or would you rather use different tactics for different markets or locations?

Both are equally good for ClearLine, its platform, and its hardware.

Depending on the setups in the ClearLine Marketing Center, the Customer Facing Screen, the Digital Kiosk, and the Advertising Display will only display the information you find relevant for each location.

Or for all of them at once.

Specially designed retail hardware

If you’ve got it all covered strategy-wise and you only need the POS marketing hardware screens – ClearLine’s there for you.

We provide a wide range of in-store digital marketing and POS marketing tools for customer interaction and data capturing.

All of our devices are reliable, ready to use, and specifically designed with in-store businesses in mind.

In-store marketing

Digital Kiosk and Advertising Display can easily take charge of your in-store marketing.

Once set up, they’ll entertain, attract and encourage your customers to interact with them, while simultaneously capturing for you the valuable data.

Place them where customers can see them – and let your creativity fly.

Or use our Templates Library and save your creativity for making the next huge leap in the growth of your business.

Management Hierarchy

When the newest, least experienced employees suddenly get access to all features & materials – deleting, altering, fidgeting – we hear the horror stories like “They accidentally deleted 5 years worth of customer data!”

ClearLine allows for various access options – full, limited, across all locations, or within just one. The level of access will guarantee that not only the employee will stay within their responsibilities – but also that no unfixable damage will be done.

White Label

If you are is a large company and the general idea is to develop your own products instead of using third-party platforms, you can use ClearLine as a white label to stay consistent with your company’s approach.

For anyone outside of a very narrow circle, ClearLine will be your very own well-set-up and branded digital in-store and POS marketing solution.


ClearLine’s flexibility with integration means that you can use the ClearLine platform for reporting – or send the data to your usual point of collection.

Store the POS & In-store marketing info separately or in the same place as the rest – it’s up to you.

With ClearLine, reporting is just as flexible as all of its features and solutions.

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